Compose Classical Piano for Telephone Keypad

Okay, this is a little bit more right-brained than we generally post, but I'm happy to extend the challenge to find an earlier version of a more complex composition for "mixed phone format" (desk & mobile). After all, that's how we play "Too Late, Somebody Is Already Doing (Has Already Done) That!"
Thanks again to Digital Retina for this one!

Exoskeletons Old News

Yeah, so you won't be first to create shipping exoskeletons, either. Move along ...

Create USEFUL Ammo-bots

Boston Dynamics: The Leader in Lifelike Human Simulation, has done it with BigDog. I don't know what all that weird noise is about, but sure it will be addressed in production models. It HAS to be silent to be of any use in the field, right?

Some browser will need to double click on the video to start.

The performance on ice, cinder block piles, and when kicked over is beyond impressive.