Perhaps NOT too late to claim your own personal FIRST!
Feel free to try out this embed example at ... even if I'm not there at the time, invite 2 or 3 others to try it out. Our world record so far is 22 simultaneous users. Yes, Twenty-Two. It was crazy, but also crazy fun.
Why not see if you can break the record with YOUR friends? If you do, be sure to grab a screen capture (or better, a Jing Video or something) to show your accomplishment!
Here's how to conduct this unofficial user-generated experiment:
1. Give everyone the url above and a time to login to that page.
2. Let everyone know that HEADPHONES ARE MANDATORY. Echo cancellation may come later, but for now, anyone without headphones will ruin the experiment.
3. Let everyone know that as the room grows and conversation begins to become hard to follow, do like you would do in ANY crowded room - segment into smaller groups. To do this, click the (x) on the top left of several window panes to HIDE those windows. Don't worry, the person is still "there" and you could include them in your "discussion circle" later if you want to experiment.
4. This might result in some people having 15 "hidden" window panes and 5 active people in a conversation. Others may be able to track 15 people and only hide 5.
5. There will be overlap, don't worry about it. It's an experiment. If someone seems to not be responding to you, they may have "hidden" your window. DON'T FEEL DISSED! Enjoy the conversation with those who do respond and who constitute your current discussion group.
6. IF the thing doesn't crash, experiment suggesting to people, "hey, i'm going to hide you for a minute and try opening up another window pane."
7. IF you get 'interrupted' by someone bringing in one or more "too many" windows, don't sweat it! Just say, "Hi, I'm getting overloaded, going to block you for just a sec, okay?"
8. Above all, DON'T TAKE OFFENSE, and don't feel LEFT OUT. Have fun and experiment!
9. HEADPHONES ARE MANDATORY, okay? It's a teeny tiny hassle to have a crazy fun time for those interesting in the leading edge of P2P video conversation. :-)