DreamHost Turns 10 at roughly the same time Google turns 9. While Google may be full of trillionaires, that kind of startup success comes only from the lightening strike rarity of copping a check from Doer or Jurvetson, et al., at the right shmooze fest. In contrast, Dreamhost is indeed the Everyman's success story. No adopted rich uncles, no stable of cling-on lawyers, nobody breathing down your neck -- except for your customers, who's job it is to breath down your neck so that you have a job, and your career independence.
Congratulations to the Original Four Honchos and all the contributors along the way. While $1,000/share stock targets may be the ultimate dream for the architects of World Domination and Galactic Surveillance; MOST young entrepreneurs just need to know that they can indeed band together with a few friends and given a Good Idea, Hard Work, and Perseverance ... make a living doing what they want to do.
Sure, the Google golem is a wonderfully phantasmagorical freak of nature, a beasty braniac behemoth that has changed our world forever; but Dreamhost represents today's authentic and ATTAINABLE American Dream, and like any good older Brother or Sister, it reminds it's bling-laden sibling of the values that used to bind them.
Namely, Dreamhost's success can be attributed to it's unspoken and unadvertised implicit tagline:
So let's get these Dreamhost founders on GMA and the The Big Idea and let's get Americans back to seeking and finding the attainable instead of medicating themselves into oblivion because the odds of breaking out of a social class today have dropped faster and farther than Vonage stock.
Congratulations to the Original Four Honchos and all the contributors along the way. While $1,000/share stock targets may be the ultimate dream for the architects of World Domination and Galactic Surveillance; MOST young entrepreneurs just need to know that they can indeed band together with a few friends and given a Good Idea, Hard Work, and Perseverance ... make a living doing what they want to do.
Sure, the Google golem is a wonderfully phantasmagorical freak of nature, a beasty braniac behemoth that has changed our world forever; but Dreamhost represents today's authentic and ATTAINABLE American Dream, and like any good older Brother or Sister, it reminds it's bling-laden sibling of the values that used to bind them.
Namely, Dreamhost's success can be attributed to it's unspoken and unadvertised implicit tagline:
"We ALWAYS tell you the TRUTH when stuff is borked: even if it's embarrassing or stupid on our part."As I said, this is not DH's tagline, but it's what I've EXPERIENCED from them, as a customer. Unless you've been a long time customer of Dreamhost like I have, it's impossible to convey how wonderfully refreshing it is to experience this philosophy in action. Alas, without that prerequisite promise and proven performance thereof, any slick SEC-filed sermonette about not being evil is pretty much destined for the usual pulpit-dweller's outcome.
So let's get these Dreamhost founders on GMA and the The Big Idea and let's get Americans back to seeking and finding the attainable instead of medicating themselves into oblivion because the odds of breaking out of a social class today have dropped faster and farther than Vonage stock.
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