TokBox: The Trillian++ of Video Messaging?

Tokbox keeps Unbundling, Unleashing, Integratin' n' Rockin' Video Messaging

  • Share YouTube Videos, Slideshares and more during video calls!
  • Video IM to nearly every platform
  • Super easy video mail
Tokbox YouTube Sharing

Latest Newsletter:

Dear TokBox friends,

We’ve been listening to your feature suggestions! Here’s the lowdown on what we've built...

All Eyes on Instant Messaging
As you may have noticed, we've just released a newer, more connected TokBox than ever before. In a very ambitious effort by our fantastic engineering team, you can now video call all your friends through AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and Google Talk. We think that’s pretty rad.

Friends, friends, and more friends
TokBox is all about connecting to your friends and family, and we've made it easier for them to see your gorgeous mug any day, every day. Now whenever someone adds you as a friend you'll get an email update and a humongous red button at the top of your Friend List telling you someone wants to be your "Friend" and chat you up. You'll soon have more friends than you could want! Which brings us to...

Too much of a good thing is never a good thing, so we've hooked up all sorts of ways for you to block those unwanted callers, video mails, anything you deem "too much information". Go to the "Privacy" link near the bottom of the left-hand pane, and block, deny, and flat out stop all forms of unwanted contact. The lovely Lauren can tell you all about it.

As always, stay tuned. Much more is on the way.
Now it’s up to you to help us improve and make TokBox greater than ever. Call us. Send us vmail. Email us (email? seriously? I hear TokBox vmail is all the rage). We love you. Thank you for all the support.

- The TokBox Team

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