The First Occasional No-Duh Award (FONDA)

Too late for you to win The FONDA, as this edition's recipient is Mark Cuban, for a 10 years-too-late realization that it's the massive symmetric bandwidth, stupid ... and a trailing, stale, derived pseudo-proclamation that The Internet is Dead and Boring, a reality that I've been challenging Stanford undergrads with in the Shadow/Mentor program for some time, now. Just scroll down a bit for more variations on the theme, if you like.

But let Billionaire Boy proclaim such things, and all of a sudden it's a topic of discussion. The myths about the power of pure ideas and thought leadership are just that - myths; at least in America. Ideas are worth jack here -- it's cash and cajones to execute ideas that count.

Although I suppose I should be flattered if BB has been lurking at TLTBF to keep up; pardon just a bit of non-billionaire counter-banter as we recall that BB made his billions on glam-ware like everyone else during the very time that we were explaining to Sand Hill Rd. the UNIQUE and CRITICAL post-Telecom-Act environment that would have enabled us to TRANSFORM and OWN the wholesale Ethernet First Mile bandwidth platform (ETTH) by 2008.

As ranted here many times before, we still have late 90's business plans that effectively nailed this projection to 2008. But nooo ... there was a "glut" and "what would anyone ever do with such bandwidth?" Nice job, geniuses; really good work. You're such valiant visionaries. Now that you finally get it, it's too late ... unless you want to spend THOUSANDS of times more than it would have cost you in the first place, while feebly attempting to take on a fully re-constituted telecom oligarchy, now exporting the same squelching influence long secured in the homeland.

Nope, it just ain't happening in America. We gave you first shot at it and you blew it, so we're building it EVERYWHERE ELSE in the world, instead. 100Mbps is only $20 to $40 /mo. in many global markets and One Gigabit to Forty Gigabit fiber optic ETTH is emerging in many global markets ... but just not YOURS, America.

Wake up, America, you live in a Second or Third World Bandwidth nation and you did it to yourselves. Just because things are "faster than they were" does not mean they are as fast, affordable, or secure as they SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

Ah, now that was a polemical rant if ever I've read one! Feel better? You bet!

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